Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy
Our physiotherapy department plays a vital role in our holistic approach to senior care.
Physiotherapy can help manage pain and provides training and strengthening exercises to improve mobility and safety. Decreased mobility and difficulty with everyday tasks can quickly discourage and depress older adults, undermining their sense of well-being and even their self-esteem.
At Hawthorne we provide residents with a variety of services that enhance quality of life by ensuring that issues affecting mobility and Activities of Daily Living (ADL) are addressed.
All residents benefit from the physiotherapist and the Rehab Room. Our Rehab Room is equipped with parallel bars, walkers, weights, stretch bands, heat packs, electrotherapy modalities (ultrasound, interferential, TENS), splinting supplies, and seating equipment, such as wheelchairs, seat and back cushions, and positioning devices.
When a new resident is admitted to the Lodge, the physiotherapist reviews the new resident’s function. The goal is to assess all new residents within one week of their admission. This aids both the resident and the care staff on matters relating to recommended methods of transfers, bed mobility and activity abilities.
The Hip Protectors Program
The Hip Protectors program was developed based on study and review of the current changes to the Long Term Care model of fall prevention and restraint policies. Our physiotherapist has been instrumental in establishing the innovative fall and injury prevention program at Hawthorne.
Social Work
Hawthorne’s Social Worker provides short-term counselling and support to residents and families dealing with the challenges associated with communal living, care-giving, and living with chronic illness, disability and loss.
The social worker is a tremendous resource for seniors, providing information and referrals to appropriate federal and provincial benefits and community resources, as well as practical assistance in navigating complex systems, such as Income Security Programs, Revenue Canada and Continuing Care.