Hawthorne Seniors Care Community truly is a Campus of Care, offering a variety of care and services options. As a leader in senior care for over five decades, Hawthorne knows that as we age we lose some abilities while we may function well in others.
A single location where easy accessibility to housing, health care, therapeutic recreation and other options are provided allows older adults to remain living in the same environment and neighbourhood despite changing functional and health status. Even couples, who often require different levels of care, are able to stay together at Hawthorne.
Yet Hawthorne is not just about housing seniors—it is about providing caring, healing environments so that all of our residents can experience and enjoy healthy living. Hawthorne’s “Healing Continuum” is based on an integrative, holistic approach to health.
Health as a state of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is having the energy, joy and courage for life’s activities. Health is not an end in itself—it is a quality through which hopes and dreams may be achieved!
And because the Campus of Care is first and foremost one’s Home, resident participation in activities related to the functioning of their home and community is encouraged and welcomed. As well, residents and tenants are provided with opportunities to participate in a variety of social and recreational activities of their choosing.
The community is very important to our programs. We see the boundaries between home and community as porous. This free movement and exchange reduces the loneliness, boredom and isolation that some older adults experience when the outside world is no longer readily available to them.