Choosing a new home for yourself or for your loved one is an important step, and one that raises many questions. Perhaps you will be able to find answers to some of your questions below. If not, we encourage you to use our Feedback Form. 

How do I get my name on the Hawthorne waiting list?
Hawthorne Seniors Care Community is one of several residential care facilities contracted by the Fraser Health Authority to provide long-term care for complex care residents.

A Community Case Manager will visit you at your home and complete a Long Term Care Assessment to determine if you meet the Provincial Ministry of Health Guidelines for Complex Care. Hospital patients who are considering the need for residential care will work with a client coordinator to complete the assessment.

If you are eligible for placement, the Fraser Health Access program will match your care needs with the first appropriate vacancy that occurs in the Health Region.

Once you are in residential care, you may request a transfer to the residence of your choice and your name will be placed on a transfer waiting list for that residence. The transfer lists are also managed by Fraser Health Access program.

A detailed description of the process of assessment, residence determination and placement procedure is available in the booklet “When your care needs change…Moving to a Residential Care Facility (Link with the site) or you can get information by calling the Fraser Health Continuing Care Program at 604.777.7300.
I am a life-long Port Coquitlam resident. Will I get priority to move into Hawthorne?
The Health Guidelines for Complex Care mandates that priority is given to clients with the highest need and who are living with the greatest risk to their health and well-being. Care is taken to match clients to facilities close to their neighbourhood, but this is not always possible.
I am a Veteran. Will Veterans help me get into Hawthorne?
Hawthorne does have a number of beds that are designated as Veteran beds. However, the Department of Veterans Affairs does not participate in the assessment or wait listing process. Veterans must meet the same eligibility criteria as all B.C. residents and the Fraser Health Access program determines which facility bed they will be offered.
Does Hawthorne take my pension as payment?
Hawthorne’s accommodation rate (usually referred to as the “daily rate”) is the standard rate charged in all publicly funded facilities. The amount each resident is charged depends on their annual income and is calculated as part of the original assessment completed by the community case manager or hospital client coordinator.

Along with the daily rate, additional charges the resident can expect are very similar to those expenses encountered when living independently; for example, telephone, personal hygiene and grooming products, dry cleaning, some specialized health equipment, medication costs not covered by Pharmacare, companion services for medical appointments where needed, dentistry, podiatry, hairdressing and so on.

Residents continue to manage their financial affairs as they have always done. Hawthorne has a number of options that help to simplify the payment of the monthly bill and an in-house Resident Comfort Fund Account is available to assist residents in accessing funds for personal spending.
Can I view the residence?
Yes. At this point, tours are offered individually as requested. Please call the social worker at 604.468.5014 to make an appointment for a tour.
Do I have to share a room?
The Complex Care Program (Complex Care Lodge) has 25 private rooms and 25 double rooms. Typically, residents are admitted to a shared room and wait to move to a private as one becomes available if that is their preference.

The cottage program has 48 private rooms and 4 shared rooms.  All the cottage rooms are available at the daily rate.
Do all the rooms come with bathrooms?
All the rooms in the Complex Care Program (Complex Care Lodge) have two–piece bathrooms (sink and toilet). There is a bathing room attached to each of the 3 wings in the program. All rooms in the cottages have 3-piece bathrooms (sink, toilet and shower) and therapeutic tubs are located in four spa rooms.
Do I have to change doctors?
All residents at Hawthorne Seniors Care Community are required to have a GP follow his or her care at the centre. If your doctor is willing to do so, there will be no change needed. It is suggested that you discuss this question with your doctor as soon as you begin to plan a move into residential care. If a change is needed, you will have had some time to locate a new physician.
Can I smoke at Hawthorne?
Hawthorne Seniors Care Community maintains a non smoking environment. Comfortable area in the outdoor gazebo is designated for residents to smoke if they wish to do so. Residents need to be independent and safe with their smoking.
What does assisted living look like and can I put my name on the list?
Assisted Living is defined as “A housing alternative providing choices in accommodation, personal care and hospitality services in a dignified community setting.”

The Assisted Living Program provides 76 independent apartments on 5 floors. Meals, organized programs of activities and social opportunities, housekeeping and heavy laundry services are provided. In addition, services such as personal care services, medication reminders, and 24-hour emergency response services can be included in a tenant’s service plan.

As in access to Residential Care, access to the Assisted Living Program is through Fraser Health 604.777.7300.
Does Hawthorne Seniors Care Community allow use of power wheelchairs on its premises?
Is there an additional fee for Physiotherapy Service?
Does Hawthorne Seniors Care Community provide any rehab and ADL’s equipment and is there a charge for using it?
Yes – We provide basic wheelchairs and some assistive devices i.e. bars, specialty mattresses, walkers etc on the basis of availability. A resident may be required to pay for some equipment recommended by PT if it is not available on site. The Therapist is available to assist with the process of acquiring the equipment.
Can I bring personal belongings with me…such as a T.V.?
Residents are welcome to bring personal items such as electric radios, razors, clocks and televisions; but these items must be checked by the Maintenance Department staff before use to ensure safety for all.
Can Family or Friends eat meals with Residents?
Family members and friends can eat separately with Residents. Bookings are made through the Director of Hospitality Services. A minimum 24 hours notice would be appreciated.
I am a Vegetarian with special Dietary requirements? How will my needs be accommodated?
The Food Services Department will try to accommodate vegetarian diets, specific ethnic diets and religious dietary restrictions upon request. The Dietician meets with each new Resident within 48 hours of his/her admission to discuss food preferences, or, liaise with family when appropriate.
What type of clothing should I bring with me?
Attractive and suitable clothing is important for your comfort. All clothing should be loose fitting and comfortable for sitting, as well as easy to put on and take off. Material should be machine washable, ‘easy-care’ and not require ironing. Please, no special care fabrics such as silk or wool garments. Dry Cleaning service is not available. Please arrange for this service with your family or friends.